IMPORTANT: This "SPOOF manual" describes targets of "True Justice" activities having "criminal records." The actual current day target community members do NOT have criminal records. The references to targets having criminal records are SARCASM.

by Eleanor White


Anyone wishing to modify this “manual” is requested
to remove my name, and replace it with their own.



In earlier times, justice was accomplished in two ways: By way of the courts, and by way of community members for cases in which the courts were not available, or failed to deliver true justice.

During the 20th century, as law enforcement agencies grew and technology made their officers more efficient, community members who attempted to deal out "old fashioned" justice were prevented from doing so.

Unfortunately, there are many offenders who are not dealt true justice by the court system. These offenders are allowed full freedom, and can commit serious offences which the court system is either unable or unwilling to stop. Our communities deserve to have these offenders monitored and neutralized, to prevent them from endangering innocent citizens.

In the latter half of the 20th century, with the quiet cooperation of law enforcement officials who have a keen sense of responsibility to the community, the True Justice system has been forming and is now nation wide. Offenders can no longer move to escape True Justice.

True Justice must remain fully covert, as there are irresponsible members of every community who do not care about the well being of their community and would loudly object to True Justice operations. This need not concern True Justice agents - there are always people who like to spoil the best of any type of crime control activity.

If you are reading this manual, it means you have been observed by your local True Justice organization, and are deemed to have the proper character and strong motivation for serving your community required for this very important work. This is one of the highest compliments anyone can receive, and your community owes you immense gratitude for protecting the citizens.


True Justice operations in general are of the "active surveillance" type. Passive surveillance is watching a target covertly, to obtain information about the target. Active surveillance can include information gathering, but it includes the agent making the target aware they are under surveillance.

Active surveillance is appropriate for True Justice operations, because with the target being aware they are under surveillance, they will realize their former criminal behavior can't be repeated without immediate consequences.

Beyond active surveillance, True Justice agents perform acts to keep the target uncomfortable, around the clock. A target turned over to True Justice has amply demonstrated that they are habitual criminals, but they have been able to avoid punishment by the court system. True Justice does deal out the punishment appropriate for the type of crime committed by the target.

Although True Justice operations are silently approved of, and covered for by the official justice system, punishment outside the official justice system is seen by citizens who do not have a strong sense of right and wrong as criminal in nature.

True Justice agents must take great care that each and every act of punishment is DENIABLE. This means that if the target should complain to police, any other officials, or friends, neighbours, family members, or doctors, the nature of the punishment must be seen as the target's "overactive imagination" or better yet, an indication the target is mentally ill. True Justice has worked for years to recruit the medical establishment in helping maintain deniability, and today, most targets are immediately labelled as mentally ill and often forced on to antipsychotic medication when they complain.

But True Justice agents must still do their part to skilfully perform acts of punishment so almost anyone the target complains to will deny a crime against the target has taken place. As a True Justice agent, you will be trained in how to do this.

True Justice has been blessed with advanced technology which enables heavy punishment at times the target is in their home, silently, through walls, and this is very deniable. True Justice agents must pass their initial training and demonstrate a high level of commitment to maintaining community safety, and the ability to operate deniably, before they will be considered for advanced electronic punishment training. Electronic punishment training is beyond the scope of this manual.

The True Justice organization is very fortunate in that we have been able to recruit top specialists to back up field operations people. Psychologists are key to finding ways to maximize feelings of stress and hopelessness in the target, and degrading the target's health, from many individually "minor" invasive punishment acts. Technicians in all fields - telecommunications, electric power, building electrical and alarm systems, and utility employees in all fields use their positions to inflict many absolutely "normal-looking" problems to targets on an onging basis. And of course, the services of many skilled locksmiths are invaluable in this effort to restore true justice to this contemporary world.

As a True Justice community-based agent (CBA) you will have the privilege of working with a team capable of delivering better justice than the official system.


Surveillance is the foundation of all True Justice operations. Both community based agent (CBA) visual surveillance and advanced electronic surveillance are used. This chapter will cover only local agent visual surveillance.

Your local lead agent will schedule surveillance watches for each target in that community. Every target will have at least one CBA watching them at all times, even while home and asleep. Each CBA surveillance team will be given a cell phone number for reporting target actions and movement to the local True Justice Control Center (TJCC.)

Actions to be reported include but are not limited to:

Some of these observations will be performed by the True Justice Electronic Corps (TJEC), but CBAs should attempt to make and report as many detailed observations of target activity as possible. The reason such detail is necessary is that the punishment phase of active surveillance requires that TJCC supervisors customize each punishment action to match the personality of the target, and the need to make each punishment action appear to be "life's normal breaks."

One important punishment function of surveillance is to sensitize the target. Targets are never told they are under surveillance or being punished. Instead, close, active surveillance and other activities, happening far too frequently to be written off as "life's normal breaks," will eventually cause the target to realize they are under surveillance and punishment.

As a community-based agent, you will be given specific instructions on exactly when, where and how to carry out punishment actions. As long as you carry out punishment instructions exactly as given, there is no way the target will be believed if they complain, and you will not be exposed to risk of action by law enforcement.

How well the punishment actions work depends on how accurate and complete your reports are to TJCC.

In many situations, True Justice acquires access to properties or apartments immediately next to the targets' homes or apartments. Because TJEC has through wall surveillance and punishment equipment, they will be reporting target activity to TJCC along with community based agents. In a typical setup, CBAs may be posted in a parked car where the target's home or apartment can be observed overnight, for example.

In this setup, the CBA in the car may be instructed to call, using a walkie-talkie style cell phone, another CBA (or team) waiting or patrolling by car nearby to follow the the target, or, you may be assigned to follow the target yourself. You will receive instructions from your local TJCC as to following a target.

Targets in transit may be either covertly or visibly followed. When in doubt, hang back a bit, and contact the TJCC for instructions, as targets in transit can present many unanticipated situations. The TJEC will always have the target's position monitored, so if a target gives the CBA the slip, the TJCC will assign other appropriate community based agents to pick up the target at the earliest opportunity. Be sure to notify TJCC immediately if you lose the target.

When applying the visible following of a target, making the target uncomfortable because of your presence, you will be given instructions as to when to break off the following. Another CBA or CBA team may pick up the visible following, but once you have broken away, advise TJCC that you are clear and ready for the next assignment.



Intercepts are where community-based agents (CBAs) will appear to "just coincidentally" cross paths, on foot, with a target. Once the target has been sensitized to the point of realizing they are under surveillance and punishment, they will recognize, and be made appropriately uncomfortable by, the simple act of multiple CBAs "just happening to" cross paths with them.

Your local True Justice Control Center (TJCC) will instruct you as to how you will be cued to perform an intercept. Often, you will have an on-site supervisor (OSS) position you, and give you hand signals as to when to start your movement to intercept the target. Because targets moving about aren't always totally predictable, the success of CBA intercepts depends heavily on the True Justice Electronics Corps (TJEC) who have means of monitoring the exact whereabouts of every target, and through computer programs, predict exactly when and where a target will be as they move about the community.

Your local OSS has a special means of receiving instant, silent instructions from the TJEC.

Intercepting CBAs may be asked to perform one of the following forms of intercept:

While these may seem like trivial acts, keep in mind that the target will have these "trivial" things happen every single day, and repeated intercepts like these will force the target to always watch for such acts, essentially ensuring the target never "has a nice day." This is the goal of True Justice, to ensure targets deserving of punishment get what they deserve.

Similar intercept operations are performed with vehicles. The TJCC can schedule these every day the target commutes, and both to and from work. Vehicle intercepts are particularly effective when the target sees the same vehicle in an intercept convoy both in the morning and in the evening commute.

(Because vehicle intercepts can be dangerous, CBAs assigned to vehicle intercept duty must successfully complete a special training course prior to actual assignment.)

Here are some examples of vehicle intercepts a community-based agent (CBA) can expect to be assigned:

The ultimate vehicle intercept is the staged accident. This can be dangerous and is only assigned to very seniour agents. However, it is possible to stage an accident so only the target knows it was staged. This is an excellent means of punishment where a target has committed a serious offence specifically against True Justice. Some targets have been financially ruined this way.

Generally, staged accidents are done in jurisdictions where police strongly support True Justice operations, so that the CBA driver is protected.



Physical sabotage is an especially effective form of punishment when it is carefully limited to low value items, below the value where police will take the report seriously. For example, burning a target's house down, or even stealing an expensive appliance, would bring official investigators into the picture, so that is not done.

Sabotage producing extreme safety hazards is generally not suitable for True Justice operations, because of the potential for bringing official investigators to an accident scene. So while damaging the brake system of a target's vehicle is not allowed for community-based agents (CBAs), draining some of the oil, transmission fluid or radiator antifreeze are allowed. But not all of it. The goal is to make it look as if the target is negligent in maintaining fluid levels, and generally not causing a catastrophic failure that non-targets might see as sabotage.

It is very important to apply punishment by way of a large number of small value sabotage acts, because that makes it look like the target is forgetful, exaggerating, or in some cases even delusional, if they complain about many cases of small value damage. The target's associates will simply refuse to believe that anyone but the target is responsible.

Sabotage is very important in that it lets the target know they are totally helpless to stop it, and can't even complain about it effectively without appearing mentally ill. True Justice is very fortunate in that some people, hearing about sabotage from a target, will actually believe the target did the sabotage themselves, "to get attention."

Sabotage is applied at the target's home, workplace, and on their vehicle. This requires the assistance of locksmiths and alarm technicians. Your local True Justice Control Center (TJCC) will supply this help, and will bring specialists in from a distance in the case of rural areas.

Here are some examples of sabotage a community-based agent (CBA) may be assigned to carry out:

Thefts have to be carefully considered and authorized by your local TJCC, and unless you have authorization, do not steal. One particularly effective type of theft is to remove small value but often used items from the target's premises. Once the target has been observed purchasing a replacement, the item is returned.

This not only causes the target to question their own sanity, it also forces the target to spend money uselessly, and imposes a feeling of total helplessness on the target.



Sabotaging the target's reputation - and all that goes with it, such as ability to earn a living, business and personal relationships - is a very special operations category. Newer community-based agents will not be assigned to "engineer" the method, but will assist in passing on "rumors," which are the main means of destroying a target's public image.

"Rumors" consist mainly of the criminal record of the target. However, in order to secure cooperation of specific members of the community to participate in the punishment phase, additional information keyed to appeal to the patriotic or community service sense of such community members may be used as well.

As mentioned earler, the True Justice organization has many top psychologists and psychiatrists on permanent staff at headquarters, and some in larger population centers. It is their responsibility to design the campaign to destroy the target's reputation.

These people listed below can be approached and given information which will cause them to make the target's association with them uncomfortable, or break off all contact with the target:

How intensely this is done is governed mainly by the need to prevent the target from learning that negative rumours are being spread. The goal is to keep negative information covertly flowing into the community, in such a way that those receiving the information aren't likely to tell the target. One might think that friends and family members would instantly notify the target and side with the target. Fortunately, experience shows that co-opting friends and family is surprisingly easy, once they are informed about the target's criminal record.

The True Justice Headquarters staff have developed techniques which by and large prevent that, but those techniques are beyond the scope of this manual. Suffice to say that it is possible to apply "incentives" which cause even people closest to the target to cooperate. These incentives are applied by specialists from our organization at higher than local level.

For the community level CBA, the work of sabotaging the reputation of the target takes the form of simply carrying out instructions from your True Justice Control Center (TJCC) as to what you say to whom, how, and when.



While the powerful silent support of True Justice operations by the justice and psychiatric systems has been sufficient to prevent True Justice targets from informing the public, the area of discrediting targets is an ongoing activity. Like sabotaging the target's reputation, discrediting their public statements, web sites, media appearances, letters to the editor and the like are done under the supervision of psychologists and psychiatrists on True Justice staff.

If a community-based agent (CBA) has a good track record of intelligently carrying out assignments, and has access to a computer, the CBA may apply to the local True Justice Control Center (TJCC) for assignment to discreditation work. Excellent communications skills are required.

Some of the activities CBAs carry out under supervision are:

It is a special honor for CBAs to be chosen for target discreditation work.


This section will give some examples of ways community-based agents (CBAs) with specific trades or situations in the community can apply deniable punishment to targets:

The key to successful punishment by tradespeople is that while the target is very likely to know they are being punished, these punishment acts must appear to the general public as "life's normal breaks."



Punishing the target at the target's home is essential for effectiveness of True Justice operations. If the target were punished in the community but was allowed sanctuary in their home, the creation of a "prison without walls" would not be complete.

One of the very first things the True Justice Control Center (TJCC) will arrange is for homes or apartments adjacent to the target's home to be occupied by both community-based agents (CBAs) and members of the True Justice Electronic Corps (TJEC.) Operations of the TJEC members are covered in the True Justice Electronic Operations manual.

Because True Justice operations are carried out 24/7 in shifts, homes and apartments which are leased or owned by True Justice staff are not used as dwellings. The lease or deed will bear either an entirely false name, or the name of a senior True Justice staff member whose actual home will be at a different location.

Some adjacent homes or apartments are occupied by neighbors of the target who have offered to cooperate in punishment of the target. The initial contact of neighbors to determine their willingness to cooperate is done by senior staff, and incentives to cooperate are often tendered.

Here are some commonly used punishment activities which are carried out both by CBAs and cooperating neighbors of the target. Activities are rotated among the choices, but at least one of them is applied daily:


There are other tactics which are not strictly part of the categories discussed so far: